What’s the business that you came up with during the IDEA Centre and where is it now? I had three business that I started. One called millennial marketing where I handled social media marketing for company’s that included strong and free. My other business is call allergies free which is an app and website that will allow people with food allergies shop for food in a safe way quickly with a huge selection. My third business is a development business devoted to restoring A renting out buildings. I am still doing the last two businesses and do not plan on stopping anytime soon.
What are you doing and working on nowadays? I am working on these two businesses, stocks and getting my realtor license.
If a high school student contacted you now, in what ways do you think you could help them? I could help a student market, find out what direction they should go or what changes would benefit them. I could give insight for real estate, stocks and marketing.
What advice do you have for young entrepreneurs that are just starting out?
The best advice I could give anyone starting out is to explore many options and opportunities to find what they’re passionate about and to make as many strong connections with people as possible.
Favourite quote? One of my favourite quotes would be “Only you and you alone can change your situation, don’t blame it on anything or anyone.”