Course Offered
The IDEA Centre offers 2 Courses
(2 Credits)
Accelerated Business
and Entrepreneurship
This is a co-op style course that focuses on having students learn about their interests and passions. Students will come up with a business idea, social venture, environmental solution, skill or talent that they wish to pursue.
Students will learn the following skills throughout the course to assist them to develop their venture:
Business Planning
Communication Skills
Public Speaking
Personal Finance
Problem Solving
Market Research
Students will also focus on career path planning and looking at today's economy and the future needs of the economy.
Introduction to
Teaching and Education
(2 or 3 Credits)
This is a co-op style course that introduces students to teaching techniques and the general principles of education.
Students will be introduced to various jobs in the education sector and the career paths available to achieve those positions.
During the semester, each student will have 5 or 6 placements for 1-3 week durations in various schools at various age levels depending on their interests. They will observe classes, assist teachers and try their hand at teaching.
Students will have the opportunity to share and discuss their experiences with classmates and share best practices.
Other experiences will include workshops with Anglophone South and various field trips.
Course Credits
Accelerated Business
and Entrepreneurship
Course Credit Options
Accelerated Business & Entrepreneurship earns 2 course credits for students upon successful completion. Students can choose from 2 of the following subject areas for credits.
Co-op 120
Entrepreneurship 110
Leadership 120
BOM 120
Digital Marketing 120
Marketing 120
Economics 120
Career Exploration 120
The IDEA Centre is appropriate for students who are taking Essential Skills, Passion Projects, Capstone Projects and other specialized learning paths.
Introduction to Teaching
and Education
Course Credit Options
Introduction to Teaching and Education earns 2 or 3 course credits for students upon successful completion. Students may choose to take the course for a 2 or 3 period duration. This determines the amount of credits that can be earned. Students will earn credits in the following subject areas:
Co-op 120
Intro to Teaching 120